Equipment;;Parameter of control;Sensor;Production data
Cream pasteurizer;;Pasteurization temperature;ТСМ-50М;85 - 105°С
;;Temperature after partial cooling before separation;ТСМ-50М;17± 2 °С
Butter Maker machine №3;;Inlet temperature;ТСМ-50М;29± 2 °С
;;Temperature before dispersing;ТСМ-50М;16± 2 °С
;;Outlet temperature;ТСМ-50М;15± 2°С
Mix preparation;;ТTemperature in the emulsion preparation tank №1, №2, №3, №4;ТСМ-50М;50-55 °С
Pasteurizer;;Temperature of pasteurization unit №1, №2;ТСМ-50М;85 - 105°С
Butter Maker machine №1;;Product inlet / outlet temperature, brine inlet / outlet temperature;ТСМ-50М;45-50 °С
;;Product temperature before dispersing;ТСМ-50М;13-15 °С
;;Refrigeration product temperature;ТСМ-50М;14± 1 °С
Butter Maker machine №2;;Product temperature cooling and dispersion;ТСМ-50М;14± 1 °С
;;Product outlet temperature UFT temperature;ТСМ-50М;15± 2°С, 9,5± 1 °С